The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has initiated three public consultations on September 27 and September 29, 2023.
1. Consultation Paper on Open and De-Licensed Use of Unused or Limited Used Spectrum Bands for Demand Generation for Limited Period in Tera Hertz Range: This consultation, accessible [here](link), will accept comments until October 25, 2023. (Extended to November 29, 2023)
2. Consultation Paper on Assignment of Spectrum in E&V Bands, and Spectrum for Microwave Access (MWA) & Microwave Backbone (MWB): Interested parties may access the consultation [here](link) and provide comments until October 25, 2023. (Extended to November 15, 2023)
3. Public Consultation on Digital Transformation through 5G Ecosystem: The consultation, available [here](link), will remain open for comments until October 30, 2023.