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The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology in Indonesia, under the Directorate General of Resources and Equipment of Post and Information Technology (SDPPI), is reaching out to stakeholders for input on the enforcement of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing as a mandatory certification requirement for certain telecommunications equipment within the country. SAR testing evaluates the amount of electromagnetic radiation absorbed by the human body when using such equipment. A Draft Decree of the Minister of Communication and Informatics is under development to establish SAR limits, test standards, applicable equipment, and certification schemes, drawing upon international guidelines.

The scope of devices subject to SAR testing includes cell phones, handheld computers, tablet computers, virtual reality devices, laptops, and specific wearable devices. Implementation of SAR testing obligations will be staggered for different device types and body parts, commencing from December 1, 2023.

Input from stakeholders has already been solicited twice in 2023 and will be crucial in shaping the policy development process. A specialized certification scheme will be introduced for telecommunications equipment during the transition period, valid for two years from the initiation of SAR testing obligations. Non-compliance with SAR limits or failure to report SAR test results may result in sanctions.

Telecommunications equipment vendors, testing labs, academics, and the general public are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed plan for implementing mandatory SAR testing. Input can be submitted electronically or in writing to the Directorate of Standardization of Post and Information Technology Equipment within 14 days of the announcement, until September 11th.

Type Approval Impacted? Yes (This introduces a new process to fully comply with SDPPI regulations.)

Spectrum Impacted? No

Imports Impacted? No

Standards: No

Product Impacted?

– Cell phones

– Handheld computers

– Tablet computers

– Virtual reality devices

– Laptops

– Wearable devices (if transmit power exceeds 20mW), e.g., smartwatches, body-mounted industrial devices, etc.