The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications introduced the “Frequency Reorganization Action Plan (FY2022 Version) (Draft)” to facilitate the smooth and progressive implementation of specific frequency reorganization measures.
During the period from Friday, September 2, 2022, to Monday, October 3, 2022, the ministry is inviting feedback on the proposed plan.
1. Overview:
Since FY2004, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications has annually developed and released the “Frequency Reorganization Action Plan” to facilitate the effective implementation of concrete frequency reorganization initiatives, guided by assessments from radio wave usage surveys.
In light of the outcomes of the 2021 radio wave usage survey (focusing on frequency bands above 714 MHz), the ministry has formulated the “Frequency Reorganization Action Plan (FY2022 Version) (draft).” The proposal’s details are outlined in (Attachment 1PDF)
2. Opinion Targets and Guidelines:
(1) Opinion target: Frequency reorganization action plan (FY2022 Version) (Draft) (Attachment 2PDF)
(2) Opinion solicitation guidelines: As per (Attachment 3PDF), opinions can be submitted via the “Public Comment” section of the government’s general window (e-Gov) ( and through provided contact information.
3. Opinion Period:
Feedback will be accepted from Friday, September 2, 2022, to Monday, October 3, 2022 (postmark valid until the deadline for mailed submissions).
4. Future Plans:
Following the reception of opinions on the proposal, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications will promptly finalize and publish the “Frequency Reorganization Action Plan (FY2022 Version)” and ensure the concrete measures outlined within are implemented as planned.
Type Approval Impacted: No
Spectrum Impacted: All frequencies above 714 MHz
Imports Impacted: No
Standards Impacted: No
Product Impact: Consumer Electronics, Broadcasting Equipment