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In a significant move towards modernizing telecommunications infrastructure, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) of Peru unveiled the Ministerial Resolution N° 0597-2023-MTC/01.03, approving the updated National Frequency Allocation Plan (PNAF) on May 18th, 2023.

The PNAF delineates essential frequency bands crucial for advancing mobile technologies like 4G and 5G, facilitating the deployment of high-altitude platforms (HAPS), harnessing television white spaces (TVWS), enhancing in-home wireless coverage (WiFi-6E), among other pivotal developments. 

This comprehensive plan furnishes vital information for managing the radio-electric spectrum, including frequency allocation charts for various telecommunications services. By ensuring operability, mitigating harmful interference, and fostering coexistence of services within shared frequency bands, the PNAF significantly contributes to efficient spectrum utilization and bolsters digital inclusion initiatives across Peru.

The document notably supersedes the previous National Plan outlined in Ministerial Resolution No. 187-2005-MTC/03 and its amendments. However, specific provisions from prior resolutions, detailed in the document, remain in effect to provide regulatory continuity.

While Type Approval and product standards remain unaffected, import procedures may experience alterations in adherence to the updated PNAF. Manufacturers and stakeholders are encouraged to review the approved Frequency Plan attached for detailed insights.

This strategic update heralds a new era of telecommunications advancement in Peru, poised to propel the nation towards digital transformation and enhanced connectivity for all.